Ning was a difficult character to write at first because she was so closed in upon herself. How would you describe Ning- the protagonist in A Magic Steeped in Poison? How was your experience with fleshing out and writing her character? I think she would be such a fun guide and would know everyone and would be able to share lots of “off the beaten path” places. I would love to spend a day with Lian in Kallah. If you could spend a day with one of your characters, who would it be and why! That’s a major influence that I kept in mind as I was writing A Magic Steeped in Poison, but there are also lots of fun things about the Wuxia genre that I included as well! Such as wandering about tea houses, fighting in a back alley, running into strangers with questionable intentions, and lots more nods to the genre that I hope certain readers will catch!Īrt print of Ning and Kang illustrated by Carissa Susilo What I enjoy about the Wuxia genre is the idea of fighting against injustice, about uncovering corrupt systems and people staying true to their ideals even as society tries to break them. Introduce your main characters from A Magic Steeped in Poison using emojis!Ī Magic Steeped in Poison has some Wuxia/Xianxia tropes, can you tell us some of your favourite tropes that you included in your book? Preorder links here: /6jTijWAPhb- Judy I. If you like magic tea competitions and sisterhood, in a world inspired by Song Dynasty China that draws on wuxia elements…you might like my books! Happy 2022! It's my debut year 😱 and I have TWO books coming out! I would probably share a joint appreciation of food with Ning and Lian, and we would chat about traditional medicines and how to incorporate them into cooking! I think instead of having specific things to say to my characters, I’d love to attend a banquet with them in the palace. If you could meet your characters, what would you say to each of them? “Even when Mother was alive, even when I was happy in the gardens with my family, I always felt like I was orbiting them, occupying a similar space but charting my own invisible course, with no idea where it would take me. This is why I chose the following quote, because at this point she exists on a precipice, balanced between the old and the new! I really enjoyed writing Ning’s travels, her eyes being opened to new things and new experiences. What is your favourite quote from your book? Lin November 14, 2021Ī Magic Steeped in Poison is a magical tale filled with tea, food, and inspiration from the Song dynasty. I describe…a lot of food in my book! Along with many many different types of tea. What would that look like, and what sort of limitations would that involve? I had a lot of fun coming up with different challenges for practitioners of this particular type of magic and I hope readers enjoy it too! I wanted to explore what it would mean to require a conduit between the magic inside of someone and the world outside.

The story started with the idea of tea with magical properties. Pitch your debut novel, A Magic Steeped in Poison in a short sentence!Ī Magic Steeped in Poison follows the journey of Ning, a reluctant practitioner of tea magic, who travels to the capital to participate in a competition with the hopes of saving her dying sister.Ī Magic Steeped in Poison is one of my most anticipated releases of 2022! What was the inspiration behind this novel? It grew into an interest in creating stories of my own! I wrote a lot of fan-fiction in university, which taught me how to finish stories with the encouragement of readers, and that led to finally completing my own novels. I always had a book with me and read whenever there was a spare moment. My writing journey started with a love for books. Thanks for having me on the blog! I’m a Taiwanese-Canadian writer, currently living in Canada on the prairies. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your writing journey till now? Hi Judy! Thank you so much for joining me over here on Misty Realms.