Revealing a newly repaired Egg Golem, Eggman orders it to attack but Sonic defeats it easily. Eggman reveals himself to the heroes and vows to kill them and take the Chaos Emerald to unlock the Cannon's true power. Knuckles searches the area to find the key, and despite being attacked by King Boom Boo, the king of ghosts, he manages to defeat it and assemble the key. Tails blasts through the outer defenses in the Cyclone and Sonic goes through the catacombs to find the launch pad, albeit locked.

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy head for Dr. They proceed to follow the limo in the Cyclone and eventually reach Eggman's base. Tails mans the computer and finds that Eggman's transmission is coming from the ARK. Suddenly, Sonic and Tails jump into the limo from the sunroof and assure both the president and Eggman that they will intervene. The doctor explains that he wants the president to surrender at his desert base within one day and not try to retaliate, or he will fire the Eclipse Cannon at the United Federation. On the highway, the president is being driven through the city in a limo while in a call with Eggman. The plan is to trace the limo and the call to find out where Eggman is. As Amy pulls him out, Tails manages to track the president's limo by hacking into the US government's computer and finding a call the president had with Eggman. Knuckles promptly meets up with them after climbing out of a manhole, saying he got lost in the mines. Tails says that he cannot get a signal on the Emeralds, meaning that Eggman's base is in outer space. Tails and Amy hide in a safe area and call Sonic on a walkie-talkie. Back with Knuckles, he explores a flooded mine and obtains more Emerald shards. GUN track them down and order the three to surrender, prompting Sonic to hold them off as Tails and Amy get to safety in the Cyclone. He explains that the Chaos Emeralds are attracted to each other via a magnetic force, and using this he can figure out where Eggman is hiding. Sonic realizes that the Chaos Emeralds must be involved somehow, before Tails takes out the yellow Emerald. The heroes are furious with the doctor's plan, but wonder how he could harness such power. Using a massive laser cannon installed on it, he blows up half of the moon and gives everyone one day to accept him as his ruler, lest they want the Cannon fired at earth. He proclaims that he is now the ruler of the planet and demonstrates his new power aboard a previously abandoned space colony known as the ARK. Meanwhile, Knuckles explores a haunted mountain and finds more shards of the Master Emerald.Īs soon as they return to the city, Eggman starts a live broadcast. Panicking, Sonic rushes through the forest and finds his friends, and they escape in the Cyclone as Prison Island blows up. Sonic runs into Shadow again, and they fight before Shadow receives a transmission from Eggman revealing that the time bombs are set to go off soon. Breaking him free, the hedgehog escapes from the harbor and into the jungle. The two infiltrate the prison, and eventually find Sonic in a cell. Eggman decides to let Tails and Amy go this time before he leaves. Shadow and Rouge run off to place time bombs around the island as Eggman attacks Amy, prompting Tails to drop down and engage the plane's mech mode. Amy Rose rushes up to Shadow and hugs him, mistaking him for Sonic, but soon realizes her mistake. The next day, Miles "Tails" Prower is flying to Prison Island in the Cyclone to try and save Sonic when he sees Shadow, Eggman and Rouge down below. The two split as Eggman flies off to his base, and Knuckles finds some shards in a canyon nearby. Rouge is furious, saying that all the world's gems belong to her and now neither of them have it, but Knuckles explains that he can simply find all of the pieces and repair it. Eggman drops in and grabs the Emerald using a claw, forcing Knuckles to jump up and punch the Emerald, shattering it into pieces.

Meanwhile, in the desert, Knuckles the Echidna and Rouge the Bat are fighting for possession of the Master Emerald. Realizing GUN have mistaken him for Shadow, Sonic attempts to attack but Shadow uses Chaos Control to warp away as Sonic is re-captured. He defeats the F-6t Big Foot mech but soon runs into a black hedgehog named Shadow the Hedgehog, who shares his speed and has stolen the green Chaos Emerald from the national reserve bank. Suddenly, Sonic manages to break free and jumps out of the helicopter, using a torn-off piece of the wing as a snowboard, and rushes through the city desperately trying to lose his pursuers. helicopter is flying over the city, with Sonic the Hedgehog captive inside. Spoiler warning: Plot, ending details or any kind of information follow.